
List of Services

General Dentistry

Oral Prophylaxis (Cleaning)

Cleaning (Oral Prophylaxis) is a routine preventive procedure done every 3-6 months. It removes tartar and plaque build-up from the surfaces of the teeth as well as those hidden in between and under the gums.

Restoration/Tooth Filling (Pasta)

Restoration (Filling) or "pasta" in tagalog is a procedure that aims to restore the tooth as close as possible to its original form so the tooth will not only look great but will function optimally again and in harmony with the adjacent and opposing teeth.

Extraction (Bunot)

Tooth extraction (Bunot) is the process of removal of teeth from its socket. A very common reason involves a tooth that is badly damaged and can no longer be restored.

Cosmetic Dentistry

Dental Veneers

Dental veneers are a possible solution to help you achieve the smile you desire. They are a popular choice for those with discolored teeth, chipped teeth, a gap between teeth, or misshaped teeth. They are thin covers permanently bonded to teeth to enhance their color, shape, and form.

Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is the process of bleaching teeth to achieve a whiter smile that is usually a couple of shades lighter.


Orthodontic Treatment

Orthodontic treatment is done to straighten or correct malpositioned teeth (usually thru braces). It can be for cosmetic purposes such as to improve a person's smile, or it can be for correction of bite and occlusion for function purposes.

  • Dental Braces

  • Clear Aligners

  • Functional Appliances



Dentures (Pustiso) are removable appliances that can replace missing teeth for the purposes of function and aesthetics. From 1 tooth missing to even all teeth missing, this can get you covered!


A crown is a cover or “cap” your dentist can put over a tooth. The crown restores the tooth to its normal shape, size, and function. A crown can make the tooth stronger or improve the way it looks.

Fixed Bridge

A dental fixed bridge is a false tooth that is held in place permanently by the abutment teeth or implant on either side of the gap.

Oral Surgery

Simple and Complicated Extractions

Tooth extraction (Bunot) is the process of removal of teeth from its socket. A very common reason involves a tooth that is badly damaged and can no longer be restored.

Wisdom Tooth Removal

Today, it’s a rare occurrence that wisdom teeth will grow in the right position or without complications. For everyone else, impacted wisdom teeth may cause crowding, cavities, gum infection, cysts, etc. -- requiring surgical extraction.

Impacted Tooth Removal

Not only wisdom teeth can be impacted, but other teeth in the oral cavity can also be impacted inside our jaw bone. If that's the case, surgical removal may be necessary to avoid further problems or complications to arise.


Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatment is done to save a tooth from extraction due to caries or infection. During a root canal procedure under local anesthesia, the nerve and pulp are removed prior to cleansing then it will be sealed and restored permanently.

DENTAL Implants

Dental Implants

Dental implants are replacement tooth roots. Implants provide a strong foundation for fixed (permanent) or removable replacement teeth that are made to match your natural teeth.

Longing for that HEALTHY and BEAUTIFUL SMILE?

You've come to the right place, Citi Smiles Dental is about to open!

Let our dentists give you the options best suited for your case!

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